
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

We’re ending our second course of Batxillerat. The classes finished on Tuesday and we’re making our final exams. We’re stressed, nervous, saturated… all the adjectives you can associate with making some final exams. Furthermore, when we finish these exams we will have to make la Selectivitat, so despite the fact that we will have to do that exam, on Tuesday we will be excited and very happy when we’ll finish our chemistry exam.
Therefore, this is our last challenge before the Selectivitat, we have to pass these exams with a good marks because it will be very important for going to the university.

But the best thing is that when we finally have finished all the exams, we will go to Mallorca, to relax and have calm. Our last trip together, all the second of Batxillerat! I think it will be in our memories for a long time. It will be fantastic!

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011


Last night, I finished reading Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s book called “El joc de l’àngel” (you could see the cover of the book in the photo).

This book, in my opinion, is better than the first one, “L’ombra del vent”, because every moment you are expecting what will happen after. Also, while you are reading you can enter easily in the story and you can feel the mystery that the novel is pervaded.  

At first, you don’t understand the story line because it’s round-about but finally, at the end, Carlos Ruiz Zagon finds out to you all the mysteries you haven’t discovered yet. I was amazed when I discovered the truth.
So this is a good book if you don’t know which could be your next reading.


martes, 19 de abril de 2011


Last day I saw the film “3 MSC”. That film is an adaptation of a book named with the same title, and I think the book is greater than the film, as always. “3 metros sobre el cielo” is a Federicco Moccia’s book whose books have been read for many teenagers around the world.

Federicco Moccia has published five books until now, and I’ve read four of these. The most popular books are “Perdona si et dic amor” and its second part “Perdona però em vull casar amb tu” and “A tres metres sobre el cel” with its second part too “Tinc ganes de tu”. And recently, he had written a book named “Carolina se enamora” which I haven’t read and it doesn’t attract me very much. The others books deal with the teenagers’ issues: friends, parties… but especially and specifically love. I think that this is the reason why many people had been attracted to his books.

I’m waiting to see the film of the second part of 3MSC and also “Perdona però em vull casar amb tu”. So if you haven’t read these books yet, and you like this kind of stories… you would like to enjoy reading the pages that Federicco Moccia wrote.  

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


Yesterday, 5th March, was the Carnival of Torelló, one of the most expected carnival. Like many other people, we went to Torello with our costume to have fun and enjoy dancing and laughing. We dressed poker or cards, or as you want to say…

We were to make up us and to buy everything we would need later. Then we went to catch the train. Inside the train we were stressed, because there were many people.

We made all the procession and then we stayed to the square where we met somebody and then we went to the marquee to dance and hang out until 4, when we went to catch the bus.

To sum up, the night was fantastic and we had really enjoyed the night.

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Last night, I was at home with my father and we didn’t know what to do. So he purposed me to see a film and I agreed. The film we finally chose was Fragile, a Spanish horror film about an old hospital with something strange.

The synopsis is this:
The hospital of Mercy Falls is going to close and all the children are being transferred to another hospital but eight children remain at the old hospital because an accident has interrupt her transfer. A new night nurse begins to suspect that in that hospital there’s something strange and dangerous. One of the girls tells her that at the second floor, which is closed due to an accident some years ago, there’s the “mechanical girl”. That mechanical girl makes hurt to the children. She breaks their bones if they have to be transferred. The important thing is that everybody who sees that strange girl is going to die.

So if you want to see a horror film with a mechanical girl who has a terrifying and ugly face that is your film.

See the trailer:

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Music is a big part of our life(:

Music is a big part of our life. When we’re having a bath, when we go to some place or when we’re walking on street, we have music in our ears.
Songs, lyrics, drums… All of these create the music.
When a person sings without music accompaniment, she is making music too.

What would we do without music?

We would be very bored in some situation.  
The type of music which everyone listens, I think, defines his personality. So if you want to know more about a person you can start finding out which type of music does he likes listening.


lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

A week ago

A week ago, we, the students of bio sanitary “batxillerat”, went to the UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona).
There we could see different types of microscope and also we could play with them.

When we arrived we went to breakfast and when we finished we went directly to the microscope centre. A man made us an introductory lecture about the different types of microscope we could see then and some interesting thing about them.

My group, first, we went to the TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) and we could see cells of liver.  

Then we went to the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and we could see different things like a fly, a car plate, a petal of a flower, pollen…

When we finished, we talked with some ex-students about their degree and we asked about questions we were interested to know.  
That day, we could learnt things about the microscopes and saw the UAB.

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010


When we were a child, our parents told us that there were the Three Wise men who bring many presents for all the children who have been good and for the children who have been bad they brought them only sweet coal.  But nowadays, we have grown up and we haven’t got the same illusion for that as when we were child, because we know the Three Wise men don’t exist. It’s true that if you’ve a young brother who hasn’t know the truth yet, then you can still living this illusion with him. Some years before, our parents had been hidden our presents for gave us the gifts on 6th January like they were the Three men. This pretty little lie made our childhood more exciting.

If during these days you walk around any city, you can see the colours, the lights and all the shops with beautiful designs for Christmas. I think the cities become more attractive with all these accessories stores than in any other time.
So as a conclusion, I only have to tell you that:
It’s time for Christmas, and Christmas is time to dream. (:

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


This is my first blog in English and I don’t know what to write in it. There are many topics and many different things to write about, but now as it’s my first publication I’ll write about my worries on the future.

This is the year we have to choose our next step, our career, our nearer future.
Some people know what they’re going to do the next course but I not. I don’t know which career will be the perfect one for me or in which I would feel good. So I have to take a big decision and I’m completely lost. 
What career should I choose? Medicine? Chemistry? Biology?
All of these are totally scientific and I like this... Therefore, I have to choose between one of these...

Which would be the winner?
